Thursday, April 12, 2018

A to Z Blogging Challenge: K is for Kindness Wins #singlenessmyth#11

My A to Z Challenge is a blog about singleness.  Some myths, some thoughts, some of the things that I have been learning as a 30 something year old single American woman, in a culture that sees this as something that is less than.... join me on this journey! 

K is for Kindness Wins.  Singleness thought #11:  Kindness for all would help our culture to be more inclusive, and less judgmental. 

I am probably not your typical Christian woman. You see most people automatically judge me when they hear that I believe in Jesus, that I go to church every Sunday, and that I try my hardest to start my morning praying, and focusing on God.  Most people that I come in contact with want nothing to do with God, because they are sick and tired of those that claim to love God, being so harsh to them and those around them.  So, I get a look of surprise when I start talking, because I believe in kindness.  I don't believe that my American heritage comes before my love for God.  I don't actually even believe that America is the best country (cue the shocked faces here).  Some of you are going to freak out at that, and it might even cause you to quit reading.  I am actually okay with that. 

I have found in my conversations, and travels that people want and long for kindness.  Not the kindness that we are prone to. You know the "I'll scratch your back if you will scratch mine" kind.  No, the genuine I care for you, and am so glad you are on earth kindness.  The kindness that says I don't care what you have done or what your background is, I would do anything for you. 

You see that's the kindness that I believe in.  That's the kindness that Jesus believed in and walked out.  You don't have to follow him to know that he was kind.  He was genuine.  He wouldn't have cast out those that we deem as not belonging.  He would have welcomed them, fed them, and found them a place to sleep. 

We all could use a little more kindness.  If we were kind to those around us, then we would be able to accept those of all different backgrounds, whether single, married, or hopping from one relationship to the next.  We wouldn't isolate anyone, because everyone would have a place.  Kindness it's what could change this world, if we allowed it to penetrate deep into our hearts, and change us from the inside out. 

I find though, that we hang on to our inhibitions.  We question whether we want to be kind to someone else, because they might be using us, or they might not be telling the truth about their need.  Guess what?  It isn't for us to question someone's need.  If someone looks like they are in need, then they are probably in need of something.  Maybe they just need to know that there are kind people in the world.  Maybe they just need to know that someone genuinely loves them.  Even if that is all it is, your life will never be worse because you were kind.  I promise you that! 

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