Monday, April 18, 2016

A to Z- Authentic Inspiration: Ocean

Oceans inspire me.  The roaring of the waves.  The crashing along the shore.  How beautiful beaches are no matter where you venture all over the world.  The fact that the waves know exactly where to stop.  I love the ocean.  I love that there is a whole world beyond my eyes.  I love that there is this vast amount of water that I can look at and just feel completely calm.  I don't have to worry about anything when I look out at the ocean.  I am able to just create this space of beauty.  I am able to write and read in the silence, and know that there is so much more to this vast space then just the waves, wind and water that I see.

I am so thankful for oceans.  I am thankful that oceans continue to inspire thousands of people everyday.  They push people beyond their abilities and give a space to contemplate.

What do you think of the ocean?

Has it inspired you to do something more with your life? 


Liz A. said...

I love to drive down PCH just so I can watch the ocean.

Stephanie Faris said...

We're 8 hours from the closest beach, so there's a YouTube video of the beach I'll sometimes play in the background while I'm working. Sometimes I can fool myself into believing I'm actually working on the beach!

djinnia said...

I'm in awe of the ocean. We know more about space than we do about the vastness of the sea. I wish that we would take better care of them.

Jerimi said...

Well, I love this post about oceans. Does that count? I have a weird relationship when I go visit the beaches in Oregon. I can't take my eyes off the waves and the horizon, and I can't turn my back on the ocean without feeling completely unnerved. It feels like turning my back on some dangerous animal. Then I turn around and look again, and I'm as fascinated as ever. It's bizarre.

Dan Miller said...

Living in landlocked Colorado, I have a great appreciation for the ocean. I've been to the Pacific a couple of times and found the awesome landscape to be extremely inspiring.

tawnya said...

Thanks everyone for stopping by and taking time to leave a comment!!! Love hearing about your beach inspirations! Even if it is just on the computer!

Unknown said...

I love the ocean, and yes it has inspired me. I am saving to buy a home- and my hope is to be near the ocean. Not the beach per se, but the crashing waves really bring out the best in me.