Monday, March 19, 2018

Blogging A to Z REVEAL>>>>>>>>

It's here!  The BIG reveal!  I am SO excited about this year's Blogging A to Z challenge!  It is going to be pretty awesome.  Last year I kind of didn't do so great!  I can't wait to get my butt in gear and get going on this year's fun challenge! 

There is a lot going on in my life right now.  I have had some moments of clarity in the past month.  Those moments have led me to understand more about my life, where I am going, and what I still need to work through.  What better way to work through some of those tough moments, then the A to Z blog challenge, right?!? 

So.... I am going to take you on a journey.  I journey to understand singleness.  To understand how our culture has turned it into something that it shouldn't be, and what we can do to get rid of the negative connotation that it holds. 

I hope you join me on this amazing  journey!  I am SO excited! 

Singleness.... culture, and how we need to change how we feel about it! 

1 comment:

Morgan Cartwright said...

I use the hashtag #single4lyfe for myself. I excited to see your A to Z on singleness.