Thursday, August 20, 2020

When insecurity fails you....

 Sometimes I get so lost in insecurity that I can barely see my way out of it.  I try so hard to be strong.  I try so hard to know who I am and live in that strength and power.  But there are times when the past creeps in and knocks me down.  There are times when I need reassurances... and people we tend to not want to give reassurances.  We tend to want people to take us for what we say and if they don't then we think they are playing games or trying to manipulate the situation.  

I have a lot of insecurities... some of them I wear openly and I let people know.  Others I keep hidden deep inside, only for my very closest friends to find.  Then there are others that know one knows about.  

Sometimes I let someone in, to look past the outside... see the depth of who I am.  A lot of times I regret it.  A lot of times they don't know how to handle all that is me.  

I'm learning to be okay with it.  I'm learning that all of me is worth it.  I might have some insecurities, and those might cause people to not want to try past a certain point... but I am worth it.  

It's a part of who I am, a part that I am working on.... so I will continue to learn and grow.  I will continue to try to be okay with who I am and the people in my life and believe that I am important to them just because of who I am.  

But I am also going to let people go that can't handle my insecurities.  

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