Sunday, January 10, 2016

New Year's Resolutions...Week 1 Recap

I want to be intentional about making a point to document how my New Year's Resolutions are going.  I do not want to just fizzle out at Week 3 or 4 like I have done in the past.  So, I am making it my goal to reflect each week on how I was Authentic, Grateful, and Intentional this week, and what I need to work on for next week.

First of all, I had some pretty amazing authentic conversations this week.  I started the week off talking to someone that I seriously hadn't seen since we both graduated from high school.  It was amazing to catch up with her, and hear her story.  I think God used both of us just to talk about struggles that we have as single females, especially since we both have lived overseas.  That connection isn't one that happens with everyone.  Sometimes you only truly know what a person is struggling with because you have struggled with it yourself.  I also was able to talk with a few more friends and just be real in where I struggles, my disappointments and kind of where I need to be moving forward.  It was good, it was authentic...and it was amazing.

Intentional...this week I took time to spend with people.  I put my phone away and I listened to them.  It was so good.  I made time for people.  I made intentional real time for people, but it did cause other parts of my life to suffer.  So this next week I need to focus on being intentional for me too.  I need to make sure I have time to get everything done on my list, and make time for others.  It is a crazy balance.  I don't know that I am very good at it, but I am going to try.

Grateful....I think I need to take more time to be grateful.  I find myself in the middle of the day lost in this world of deadlines, and lesson plans.  I need to take time to just breathe, and look around at all that has been given to me and praise him for it!

So next week.....more authentic conversations, intentional time with Jesus, and gratefulness throughout my days. 

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