Thursday, August 23, 2018

My Year of Less

A couple months ago  a friend told me about the book by Cait Flanders, The Year of Less. 

I read it and was amazed.  I was amazed by this woman's ability to take a year and not spend.  Because for me spending is really a way of coping with things that I can't deal with.  I am an impulse buyer.  I buy things when I want to feel better.  I  often buy things that I already have 5 of, and don't really need.  Moving twice in the past year has made me realize that I have way too much stuff.  I fill my walls with things instead of memories sometimes.  I put worth in the things that I have.  I allow those things to be what comforts me, what gives me worth.  I spend way too much money on things that are essentially meaningless. 

So... I have decided that starting September 1st, I am going to take a year off of impulse buying.  There are going to be ground rules for myself, and I am going to think through those as I read through the book again this week. 

It is going to be a tough year.  It is going to take a lot of discipline on my part, a lot of self-restraint.  I know that I might fail in some moments, but no matter what I know that this year is going to change me. 

Some of the things I am planning on in the next year. 

Making a list of things that I am allowed to buy such as toothpaste, TP, other such products. 

Make a list of things that I am not going to be purchasing at all.  Such as craft supplies, books, etc. 

Make a list of things that I will purchase if I throw out the old one that I have.  For example t-shirts, shoes, make-up. 

I am not sure what this will evolve into, and if anyone reading this blog has done this... let me know how it went!  I would love to hear about it! 

Check back for updates throughout the year! 

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