Sometimes the people that we think are our real friends, are the ones that are really just using us. And then those that we thought were just going to be there till they found someone better are the ones that end up being the best ones to keep around. They end up being the ones that we can be honest with. The ones we can send chats to after too much wine, and they don't hold it against us. The ones that can tell us that we are being dramatic, and the ones that push us to be the best version of ourselves.
I don't have too many real friends. The kind of friends that still call me on the phone. The kind of friends that make the effort to make plans or invite me over. Those are few and far between these days. But I am thankful for the few that I have. I am thankful because they show me love that never ends. They accept me on the days when I have nothing in me but insecurities. They accept me on the days when I am grumpy and can't seem to get over it. They accept me on the days when I don't want to help anyone, on the days when I just want to be selfish, and look inside instead of out. They accept me and love me for just being who I am.
Someone came back into my life around this time last year. Someone that I had pretty much written off as ever being my friend again, just because of circumstances, around both of our lives. This person has shown me friendship. It's not always how I want it to be, but it is always how I need it to be. This person continues to love me, even when I mess up. Even when I call them out on their bullshit. This person sees the worst of me, and still wants me in their life. I will never know why God gave us a second chance at being close friends, but I am ever so thankful that he did.
Friendships don't always look how we think or want them to. Some friendships are for the everyday. But a lot of them breathe in and out again. They are there for a little while, and then they go silent to rest and strengthen in the silence.
Sometimes I look at it, like I look at my relationship with God. I don't always feel like God is close to me. Sometimes He feels very quiet and very far away. But He never stops loving me. He never stops caring for me. He never stops working, and moving my heart closer to His.
So maybe your friendships don't look the way you think they should. Maybe you have lost a lot of people that you thought were going to be the forever kind of friends. Just know that if you have at least one person who you can count on to tell you truth, and call you every now and then... I think that is enough.
It may not feel like it sometimes... but it is!