Monday, April 27, 2020

Quarantined.... some thoughts for now...

I've been working from home for over a month now.  I didn't know when I left my office in March that we probably wouldn't be going back till at least the end of May... if not later.  It's weird this working from home thing... I am literally doing everything at home, and it can get really old.  But there are also things I really like about it.  I get to create my own schedule.  I can get up at 10, and end work at 6.  I don't have to put on real pants.  But there are other things about working from home that are driving me crazy.  I feel like I have no time off.  I literally have 2-3 zoom meetings every single day.  I've had to create virtual programs, and a lot of them.  Which means more zoom meetings.  I work everyday except for Sunday.

I'm happy to have work to do.  I am happy that I am being paid.  Because I know that some people aren't.  I am happy that I am able to be in an apartment that I like, because honestly if I had been in my previous apartment this situation would be basically hell on earth!

But this situation has also created in me a time of reflection.  I have had some of the best conversations during this time, but I have also had to face some things... and help others through some things.  I talked to a friend the other day who is going through some hard things.  This friend shared with me some of what was said in a conversation where they told someone how they felt.  It was this heartfelt thing that this person said... and I am happy for this person if everything works out the way they want it to, but it was also this deep, painful reminder to me that I may never have that kind of love.  I long to be pursued, to be worth going above and beyond.  Someone who wants all of me... all of the mess that I am.  Loves me even when I am an emotional wreck.  Loves me even when I am annoying, and demand more than what they want to give.  I long for that with all of my heart.  But you know what I get?  I get the, "hey what's up?" from the engaged guy that I dated 2 years ago.  Or the late night texts from someone who is drunk and just wanting attention.  So.. it makes me feel like I'm not worthy.  It makes me feel like I am good enough to be a friend, or a text buddy.. but will I ever be good enough for someone to want me in their life forever?  Will I ever be the one that someone wants to move mountains for?

Some of you will be so bold to say.. but Jesus does that for you....  and that's all fine and good.  And on my best days, I know that.... but there aren't a lot of best days.  Especially stuck in a world where I can't even attempt to go on an actual date... not that anyone would be asking me anyways.  Because truthfully dating right now is just a bunch of text messages without anything real behind any of them.  Regardless... to those of you who are married or in a long term relationship and want to tell me that I need to find my all in Jesus.. I inquire of you.. is that what you do?  I 100% bet it isn't.  Because through this quarantine you have had someone always there for you, right?  You have had someone hug you when you needed a hug... you have been able to cry and scream and know that you are loved through this mess.  So.. .please do not tell me I need to find my spouse in Jesus.  Frankly I just don't want to hear it.  Not today, maybe not tomorrow...  Especially when things don't go as you think they will....

I will get through these doubts, I always do.  But for me I just need to process them, think through them and choose what is truth and what is not.  I wish I didn't have the baggage of friends leaving me for no reason.  Sometimes I wish that instead of going overseas and waiting to really date till in my 30's I had just stayed in the states, married the first guy who was interested and had a couple babies.  Because then it might feel like my life was at least worth something...

Please do not read this and think that I am feeling sorry for myself.. because I am not.  I know that I have lived a life that some people dream about.  But the real honest part of me struggles everyday with feeling like I am not good enough.  I know that there are plenty of people living in marriages and relationships where they don't feel loved.  I know that there are plenty of people that feel like every friendship they have is one-sided.  That if they don't reach out no one will ever reach out to them.  I feel that way quite often.

But then I stop focusing on myself.  I look outside of the selfish desires that I have and I realize that love isn't really about me.  If for the rest of  my life I am the person that everyone comes to for a listening ear and advice without being there for me to lean on... I will fulfill that role with joy.  If I never have someone pursue me to the point of marriage, I will be okay.. and even though it will probably break my heart on a daily basis I will live through it knowing that there is another purpose for me being on this earth.  If I continue to have people walk out of my life, because of things I did or didn't do... I will learn from those and understand that the people that are meant to be in my life will stay.

If you are still reading this... thanks!   I think that sometimes it is easy to post things that are only good.  We don't post the times when we doubt, fear, or are sad.  But there are those times... every single day.  We need to talk more about those times.  About how hard things are... of course we need to see the good... but the way we help each other is by being authentic and real.  So.. this is the raw version of me... the thoughts that I have that I don't always share.  Why I choose to write them on a public forum?  Well....  I feel like it helps me process.  And maybe in my process it can help someone else too... perhaps it can help someone else to not feel so alone in what they are going through...

Here's to days ahead, I don't know what is in store... and I am sure it will be good.. but sometimes you have to go through the valley to get to the mountaintop...   And sometimes the valley is not what you ever thought it would be!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

It's not personal

I hear this phrase a lot... especially when someone doesn't meet the expectations I think they should meet.  I feel like right now I have limited expectations for people.  Because really we are all just trying to make it through this crazy world.  A world where people are out of jobs, and are scared because of a virus.  A world where there are about a million different theories on what is going on, and information changes daily.  A world where you can't really trust the news media, or politicians.  A world that is broken, honestly that is what it boils down to.  I had a conversation with someone yesterday, and she brought to my attention that this world is broken.  I mean that is the simple way to put it.  We expect it to be easy, and everything to make us happy.  But in reality our human nature is broken.  On a daily basis we are bombarded with things that bring us down, expectations aren't met, and things don't work out the way we think they should.

I let myself have a day yesterday.  A day to grieve a friendship that is changing.  A day to grieve the lives that are being lost daily.  A day to grieve my singleness, and what seems to be God not answering or even hearing my prayers about that.  A day to grieve the children that I wish I had.  A day to grieve the people that used to be such a huge part of my life that I don't even talk to anymore.   A day to just be in my emotions and grieve.  We need that every now and then.  We need to be able to just be sad for a little while.

It's okay to be sad, it's okay to grieve.  It's okay to let out those tears.... but then you pick yourself back up.  You think about the good things that you are learning, the laughs, the prospect of what is to come, and you remember that even in the moments when it doesn't feel like there is a reason for your existence there is.  There are going to be sad days, and hard days.  Life isn't rainbows, glitter and unicorns, but I fully believe that acknowledging how I feel and then moving past those feelings is the only way to go.

I can only control myself.  Other people get to make their own decisions whether I agree with them or not.  Sometimes I get lost in thinking those decisions are or should be about me... but really they can't be.  We are such selfish beings.  I saw a friend post just the other day about how helping other people who wouldn't help you is something they do that they wish they wouldn't.  This struck me... because I know that I do this.  All the time.  I am there for other people, and then when I need them they have disappeared into some place of being "too busy" or something else similar.  So, I have to think about how I am going to live my life.  Am I going to live it keeping tallies of what I have done for others?  Am I going to live it only doing things for people that I deem "helpful" to my life?  I think that depends on who you are.  I know that I do a lot more in friendships most of the time then others do for me.  I am there for people when they are going through hard things... I am the friend that usually reaches out first.   I am the one that would drive 4 hours just to drop something off to you, and then drive back.  Sometimes it is exhausting.  Sometimes it does get to me.  But at the end of the day, those things are the things that fill me up.  Being able to help others is what I was created to do.  I am sure that I should have more boundaries.  Honestly though just being able to help others is really truly joy giving to me.

So, I guess today's post is just a bunch of things that I have been thinking and feeling.  Nothing profound other than, we can't take other people's actions or decisions personal.  I've learned a lot this past year.  A lot about myself, what I want for my life, and the type of people I want in it.  I have also learned a lot about what it means to be a friend.  True friendship to me, sticks through no matter what.  Of course friendships go through seasons.  There will be some seasons when you can be super close, and spend a lot of time together, and other seasons when you are just going to be able to have brief moments here and there.  But real friends won't walk away.  They love you through the crazy mess that you are.  They don't leave you when they find someone better.  But it may look different for awhile, and in that you are seeing God's love in a new way.  So I am thankful for the people in my life, and even in the moments when I want to run because I feel like I am about to get hurt, I cling to Jesus and know that what is meant to be in my life will stay.

So, here's to more days of living authentically, and trying my hardest not to make things personal.... although I'm human... so I know that I absolutely will fail at that somedays, but that's okay.  I just get back up and try again.