Authentically Notorious means...being known. Known for what exactly? I think known for who I truly am. The journey that I continue to walk down everyday, and the way that my life continues to be molded moment-by-moment, day-by-day, year-by-year. What are some things I want to be known for?
*My adventureous spirit
*Being able to adapt in any situation
*Showing compassion for those that don't have as much as me
*Laughing at myself
There are other things I want to be known for, but I know I am not there yet. I want to be known for always having joy. For being that person that looks at the inside of every single being I come in contact with and valuing them for who they are.
Maybe that is what I want to be authentically notoriously valuing those around me. I'm not even sure that works...but maybe.
What's your favorite use for the word notorious?
Well, I can be a bit NAUGHTY!
Precious Monsters
I'm a notorious giggler! ;)
Both those are great!!!
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