Saturday, November 16, 2013

Thankfulness 15-16

Day 15- I am so thankful for where I grew up.  I am thankful that I was able to have a neighborhood pool in the summer, and friends pretty close in the winter.  I am thankful that I got to experience all four seasons.  I am so thankful that none of the i products were around when I was growing up.  I am thankful that technology did not rule the world back then. 

Day 16- I am thankful for all the Thanksgivings I have been able to spend in Missouri.  I love sitting down around the table with my family.  Eating turkey, making jokes, and enjoying each other's company.  I especially am thankful for the past two years when I was able to have someone to share that Thanksgiving tradition with me and my family.  Although he may not ever read this, I am really thankful that he was there for those celebrations.  I continue to be thankful that growing up we always had two Thanksgiving celebrations, one on Thursday and one the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  It is tradition, and a good one. 

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